PA iLottery

PA iLottery

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PA iLottery is the official online gaming site of the Pennsylvania Lottery, offering a variety of games including eInstants, draw games, and more. Known for its secure and user-friendly platform, aims to provide a top-notch gaming experience for players within Pennsylvania. In this review, we will explore the different features and services offered by PA iLottery to give you a thorough understanding of what to expect.

Design and Usability

The design of is sleek and user-friendly. The site features a modern layout with intuitive navigation, making it easy for users to find their preferred games and information. The color scheme is professional and the graphics are high-quality, contributing to an engaging user experience. The homepage is well-organized, with clear sections for different types of games, promotions, and support options

Game Selection at PA iLottery offers an impressive array of games, catering to a wide range of preferences. Here are some of the key categories:

  1. eInstants:
    • The site offers a variety of eInstant games, which are quick and easy to play. These games provide instant results and a chance to win prizes immediately.
    • Popular eInstant titles include “Volcano Eruption,” “Cash Buster Extreme,” and “Monster Wins”.
  2. Draw Games:
    • provides access to popular draw games such as Powerball, Mega Millions, and Cash 5. Players can purchase tickets online and check winning numbers directly on the site.
    • The site also offers exclusive online draw games like “Treasure Hunt” and “Match 6 Lotto”.
  3. Keno and Xpress Sports:
    • For fans of fast-paced games, offers Keno and Xpress Sports. These games provide frequent draws and a variety of betting options, making them exciting and engaging.

Demo Games Available in PA iLottery App

Discover the thrill of casino gaming without the risk! Gambling Apps Store brings you a handpicked selection of top-tier casino games to enjoy in demo mode, directly on your Android device. Whether you’re a seasoned player looking to test new strategies or a curious newcomer eager to explore the casino world, our demo games offer endless entertainment.

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Hell of a Deal Play for Real Powered by Slots Launch

Having issues with Hell of a Deal ?

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Monopoly Hot Offer Play for Real Powered by Slots Launch

Having issues with Monopoly Hot Offer ?

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Foxin Wins Play for Real Powered by Slots Launch

Having issues with Foxin Wins ?

Bonuses and Promotions is known for its generous bonuses and promotions, designed to attract new players and reward loyal customers. Some of the key promotions include:

  1. Welcome Bonus:
    • New players can take advantage of a welcome bonus, which includes a deposit match bonus and free play credits. This bonus can be used to explore various games on the site.
  2. Second Chance™:
    • The Second Chance™ promotion allows players to enter non-winning tickets into drawings for a chance to win additional prizes. This promotion adds an extra layer of excitement and opportunity.
  3. Refer A Friend:
    • Players can earn bonuses by referring friends to PA iLottery. Both the referrer and the referred friend receive rewards, making it a win-win situation.

*Get started with PA iLottery and double your fun! Make your first deposit of at least $10 and we’ll match it 100% with bonus money, up to a maximum of $1,000. Just use the code WELCOME during checkout.

Here’s the deal:

  • Deposit $10 or more (the more you deposit, the bigger the bonus!)
  • Use code WELCOME at checkout
  • We’ll match your deposit with bonus money (up to $1,000)
  • Play through your deposit amount + bonus amount 10 times to convert the bonus to withdrawable cash

Don’t miss out! This is your chance to win big with PA iLottery. Sign up today and claim your bonus!

For full details and restrictions, please refer to our Terms and Conditions.

Payment Methods supports a wide range of payment methods, making it easy for players to deposit and withdraw funds. Some of the available options include:

  1. Credit/Debit Cards:
    • Players can use major credit and debit cards such as Visa and Mastercard to make transactions. The process is straightforward and secure.
  2. Bank Transfers:
    • The site also accepts bank transfers, providing additional flexibility for players.
  3. E-Wallets:
    • E-wallets such as PayPal are supported, offering fast and convenient transactions

Customer Service

Customer service is a crucial aspect of any online gaming site, and PA iLottery excels in this area. The support team is available to assist with any issues or queries. Players can reach out via live chat, email, or phone. The support agents are knowledgeable, friendly, and responsive, ensuring that any problems are resolved quickly and efficiently.

Security and Fairness takes security seriously, employing advanced encryption technology to protect players’ personal and financial information. The site is licensed and regulated, ensuring that it operates in compliance with industry standards. Additionally, the games are regularly audited for fairness, providing players with a safe and trustworthy gaming environment.


  • Gamble responsibly. Gambling can be addictive.
  • Check the gambling laws in your country before playing.
  • PA iLottery may not be available in all countries.

Mobile Compatibility

In today’s fast-paced world, mobile compatibility is essential for online gaming sites. offers a mobile-friendly website that allows players to enjoy their favorite games on the go. The mobile site is well-optimized, with smooth navigation and quick loading times. Most of the games available on the desktop version are also accessible on mobile devices, ensuring a seamless gaming experience across all platforms.

Data safety

Safety starts with understanding how developers collect and share your data. Data privacy and security practices may vary based on your use, region, and age. The developer provided this information and may update it over time.

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This app may share these data types with third parties

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This app may collect these data types

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Data is encrypted in transit

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You can request that data be deleted

Why Download the PA iLottery App

6 Reasons to Use
  1. Extensive Game Selection:

    Dive into a diverse range of lottery games, from popular draw games like Powerball and Mega Millions to exciting instant win games, all tailored for every type of player.

  2. User-Friendly Interface: features a streamlined, intuitive interface that simplifies navigation, making it easy for you to find your favorite games and access various promotions seamlessly.

  3. Exceptional Bonuses and Promotions:

    Benefit from generous welcome bonuses, frequent player promotions, and an exclusive VIP Players Club that continually enhances your gaming experience and rewards your play.

  4. Advanced Security Protocols:

    With cutting-edge encryption technology, ensures that all your personal and financial information remains secure, giving you peace of mind while you play.

  5. Mobile Gaming Convenience:

    Play your favorite lottery games anytime, anywhere. Whether you’re at home or on the go, the site provides a flawless mobile gaming experience without compromising on quality.

  6. Multiple Banking Options:

    Enjoy the convenience of various banking options that offer fast, secure, and reliable transactions, enhancing your overall experience.

Download and install the PA iLottery App

  1. Visit the PAiLottery Website: Open your browser and go to
  2. Navigate to the Mobile App Section: Look for the section dedicated to mobile apps or downloads. This is usually found in the footer or main menu.
  3. Download the App: Click on the download link for the PAiLottery App. If you’re using an Android device, you may need to allow installations from unknown sources in your device settings. For iOS users, follow the on-screen instructions to download the app.
  4. Install the App: Once the download is complete, open the file and follow the installation prompts. If the installation does not start automatically, locate the downloaded file in your device’s download manager or file manager and open it manually.
  5. Launch the App: After installation, open the app and log in with your PA iLottery account credentials. If you don’t have an account, you can easily create one directly through the app. The registration process is quick and user-friendly, allowing you to start playing in no time.

By following these steps, you’ll be able to enjoy all the features and games has to offer right from your mobile device. Happy gaming!

Requires Android version 4.4 or later

Optimized For:
Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra

Tested With:
Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra, Samsung Galaxy S22, Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5, Google Pixel 8 Pro, OnePlus 11, Xiaomi 12 Pro, OPPO Find X5 Pro, Realme GT 2 Pro

User Experience

Overall, the user experience at is highly positive. The site is easy to navigate, with a clean and intuitive interface. The game selection is diverse and constantly updated, ensuring that there is always something new to try. The bonuses and promotions are generous, providing plenty of opportunities for players to boost their bankrolls. The customer service is top-notch, and the payment methods are varied and secure.

Latest Reviews Cafe Casino App


I’ve been using PA iLottery for a few months now, and it’s been a fantastic experience. The variety of games is impressive, and the interface is user-friendly. Plus, the customer support is top-notch. Highly recommend!

Emily – United States


PA iLottery is a game-changer! I love the convenience of playing from my phone. The promotions and bonuses are great, and I’ve had a few small wins already. It’s a fun and exciting way to play the lottery.

Ly – United States


This site is amazing! The games are fun, and the chances of winning are pretty good. I appreciate the security measures they have in place, and the payouts are quick and easy. Five stars all the way!

Omar – United States


PA iLottery is a solid platform with a good selection of games. The only reason I’m giving it 4 stars instead of 5 is because I wish there were more frequent promotions. Other than that, it’s a great site!

Don Pep – United States


Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐☆ (4.5/5) is a well-rounded online gaming platform that offers a fantastic gaming experience. With its extensive game selection, attractive bonuses, and excellent customer service, it is a great choice for players within Pennsylvania. While there is always room for improvement, such as faster loading times for certain pages, the overall experience is highly satisfying. Whether you are a fan of eInstants, draw games, or Keno, has something to offer. I highly recommend giving it a try.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about PA iLottery

How do I create an account on

To create an account, visit the homepage and click on the “Sign Up” button. Follow the prompts to enter your personal information, verify your identity, and set up your account.

What types of games can I play on offers a variety of games including draw games like Powerball and Mega Millions, instant win games, and other lottery-style games. The site regularly updates its game selection to include new and exciting options.

How do I claim my winnings?

Winnings are automatically credited to your PAiLottery account for prizes up to a certain amount. For larger prizes, you may need to visit a lottery office or follow specific claim procedures outlined on the website.

Is secure?

Yes, uses advanced security measures, including SSL encryption, to protect your personal and financial information. The site is also regularly audited to ensure fairness and security.

What should I do if I encounter a problem or have a question?

If you need assistance, you can contact’s customer support team via email, phone, or live chat. Additionally, the website has a comprehensive FAQ section that addresses common issues and questions.

Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the winning numbers, prize payouts and other information posted on the Pennsylvania Lottery’s websites. The official winning numbers are those selected in the respective drawings and recorded under the observation of an independent accounting firm. In the event of a discrepancy, the official drawing results shall prevail. The Pennsylvania Lottery, 1200 Fulling Mill Road, Suite One, Middletown, PA 17057 Call: 1-800-692-7481

Gambling involves risk of losing money and can be addictive. If you are worried about your gambling or are affected by another person’s gambling behaviour, please contact GamblingTherapy or Gamblers Anonymous for help.

Gamblers Anonymous
Mayo Clinic

PA iLottery Details

APK Version
Release Date
Minimum Supportable
Designed For
Official Website
The Android application you are about to download has been developed by, a premium affiliate in the gambling industry. Please note that the brand is not liable for any issues arising from the use of the application.Responsible Gaming
Trust & Fairness
Games & Software
Bonuses & Promotions
Customer Support
4.5 Overall Rating

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PA iLottery